The long wait had come to an end that Barack Obama is already the first African American to be seated on the oval office as the President of the United States. The unfinished business of the rival between John McCainn and Barack Obama has ended. Coming from Barack Obama “it is now the time to change” the barriers of races had been shattered and the American is one to have a new leader to a more strong and built a new plan for the people. With the percentage of votes of the two rivals Obama having a 52.3 percent of votes and McCainn 46.4 percent of votes. With his win as the first African American President, he marked the history to be written as one of the first African American to be President the history unfolds through every American. This is now the time to heal for what the country is facing now on repairing the economy and with the problems with the homes and financials. And he has promised to cut taxes of most Americans, get U.S out of Iraq, and expand health care, including mandatory for children will make it possible for President Barack Obama. This is now the first chapter of President Obama to be seated on the oval office and let us see now what will be the result of the promises that he could do and will do to his fellow Americans. Be united and let us help President Obama to lift the American dream and to the world.
I wasn't very impressed by him as a candidate but I was very impressed by his speech last night. He wasn't my choice for president but I hope he can prove me wrong and become the leader that this country so desperately needs. Now that the election is over we all need to come together as a nation and support him.
God Bless America!