With the new technology are introduce to the younger one’s through those internet access, cable TV, and a breadth of those gaming consoles, it seems that kids nowadays don’t get to play outside and get mud on their shoes like we used to that time. As a parent we need to let your children play and mingle outside. At home you can start making those activities you want if you have a luxury of outdoor space or backyard encourage them to hangout in the lawn occasionally play with them like catch ball, ride a bike with them, or run around the yard with your dog this could help them to play and mingle. There is also a simplest way to enjoy a nice warm afternoon is to sit or lie on the grass and looking upward at the sky with your kids and try to explore different shapes and figures of those clouds let your kids imaginations run wild. If there not used to those things you can also try and let them draw then color, have some paper, pencil and a crayons nearby. Then try to ask them if anything that catches their attention. Maybe one of your kids will say “the cloud looks more brighter and bluer when you see it in the sky”. Always encourage them to discover new things through discoveries into drawings and you may be pleasantly surprised at how it will work towards on speaking of their thoughts through their work of art. In this way you can make your kids happier and livelier than ever and make them see the wonders of the environment surround them.