In life everybody need someone who can understand and share emotions with. Love is on the air don’t know when and where it will struck. Love gives many meaning and struggles in life. But one thing for sure love could be a satisfying moment that you can have and nourish it with open arms. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt because those could be a pace to be a better person and able to understand the relationship more for a new you. In most women it is very difficult for them to overcome those break ups and pain it gives. In able to overcome those heartbreaks you may open more time with your family and friends there are the one who could give you a helping hand to get over with the pain you feel and try to move on and able to create a new love life. Romance should come between with each other not on beer, wrestling shows, and frequent nights with friends to strengthen up the relationship and need to be solved. In the other hand, most ladies are more jealous than guys. So ladies please do tolerate on getting jealous and if there is nothing to get mad with it. Don’t take into consideration when he glance on a lady doesn’t mean that he may or would flirt with her. Hence, maybe he appreciate her beauty and not to win her heart. To have a strong and perfect love life give each partner your love that comes in to your heart and flourishes it with trust and respect. Let you always be transparent on what the problems will arise